
vrijdag 12 november 2010

***NEW*** Neverending Dream and Neverending Dream Add on by MaryPop Designs

I'm back to show you a wonderful new kit made by Mary aka MaryPop Designs
It`s dreamy and magical!
You're gonna like it! :-)
Don`t forget that the wonderful kit "Pink Dreams" is in special price!
This time Mary has a few offers for you. 
First there is this full kit.
It contains 13 papers and 60 elements!
You can find it here

Then there is this Add on Mary made. 
It contains 4 papers and 20 elements.
You can find it here

Mary also made this lovely QuickPage Album
You can find it here 

And now there is this Special Offer!
A great full pack :-)
if you purchase it,
you will get this pack of 5 ready to use overlays as BONUS!
You will find it here

And then there's this freebie
You can download it here from Mary's blog

My pages
Credits:  Neverending Dream and
Neverending Dream Add on by MaryPop Designs

2 opmerkingen:

  1. he meis,

    Wat een prachtige LO's heb je weer gemaakt!!

    Liefs, Lucienne -xxx-

  2. wonderful Anja!!!Simply wonderful pages :D


